PR for Educators

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Education Tips

The first day of school: 8 things you must absolutely have

Are you ready for the first day of school?You have already booked the textbooks, bought diary, pens and notebooks and all the material that will serve you for the return in the pews? Here is a list of things that will…

Phrases for the first day of school: The most sympathetic greetings

The first day of school is never forgotten, it is one of those experiences that involve all students and will always be an unforgettable event. Best wishes and good luck big are welcome, valuable and even necessary and what could be…

How to dress well in school

It may be fashionable at school without triggering the wrath of Mom, Dad, teachers and principal? The answer is yes, although sometimes it seems that adults do not know how to do anything other than criticize the look of the boys.In…

How to dress for the first day of high school: 5 Mistakes to avoid

In September you will start high school and you’re thinking about how to deal with the first day of school? Look in the closet looking for the right clothes to wear, but you still have not understood what to wear? The outfit you choose…

How to change class

If you’re thinking of changing class definitely have enough serious reasons school: perhaps you feel comfortable with their classmates, perhaps the prof are not what you always hoped, or is there a teacher who took you It targeted and makes your life impossible. In any…

How to change schools

Concluded the middle school cycle, it opens in front of the student with a whole new world, where you have to choose a high school among the many that exist. Despite the orientation, counseling by adults and a careful evaluation, the…

Current topics of Accomplished: Tracks

THEMES OF FORWARD CURRENT: TRACES PERFORMED. You must carry out a topical issue for the State exams, for the Third Exams Media or simply because they frequent the high school and you a track that has been assigned to deal with…