PR for Educators

Helping people for education and information

Month: September 2016

Test Multiple Answer: All the tricks to solve them

The multiple choice test, commonly called by students “multiple choice” test, are present in several areas: class assignments, third test of maturity, ECDL, driving test, competitions public, entrance test and related simulations, university exams. In short, as stated in a famous song by…

The first day of school: 8 things you must absolutely have

Are you ready for the first day of school?You have already booked the textbooks, bought diary, pens and notebooks and all the material that will serve you for the return in the pews? Here is a list of things that will…

Phrases for the first day of school: The most sympathetic greetings

The first day of school is never forgotten, it is one of those experiences that involve all students and will always be an unforgettable event. Best wishes and good luck big are welcome, valuable and even necessary and what could be…