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how to make a good routine for study
Education Tips

How to Make a Good Routine for Study and Back to School

You probably believe that there may be room for improvement in your preparation and organization for the school year. You can always improve, so today we have some tips on how to make a good routine for study.

Customizing the routine of the whole family is important to achieve good habits for the return to school. Once we have a method, the family can start the new school year, with a good grade and without stress.

How to make a good routine for study?

Do not wait too long to establish a routine back to school. The longer we wait for children to adopt this routine, the harder it will be to get them to get used to it.

Many times, parents allow their children to stay awake until later in the summer than during the school year. If you have been a bit of a permissive parent, you may need to start the changes to adopt a good routine for going back to school.

Probably, when we start trying to get them to go to bed before preparing to go back to school, they will complain and try to stay awake. You have to try to get them to follow that dream routine — mother accompanying her son on the way back to school.

how to make a good routine for study

Routine hours of sleep for back to school

We will know what time the children have to go to bed if we realize what time they need to wake up toward the beginning of the day. Most specialists agree that children need about 9 and 10 hours of sleep each night to be well during the day. 8 hours is the minimum. They should never sleep less than that.

So, for example, if we know that our child should be awake at 7 in the morning, to be prepared to leave for school at 8:30, we must try to be ready to go to bed around 8 and mid-afternoon.

Before the first day of school, you have to go to bed a little earlier each night until you get used to your time and go to bed earlier. The sooner we start this process, the easier it will be for him to get used to going to bed early again.

A good night’s sleep also decreases irritability, so it will be easier for them and others to rest well. We must explain to children the importance of sleeping well at night. Tell them that sleep is important to be well.

The importance of a nighttime routine for going back to school

It is important to make our child get used to following a routine every night. By getting used to choosing your clothes for the next day, taking a bath, brushing your teeth, and putting on your pajamas every night before going to sleep, you will be creating a routine.

Having a fixed routine like this will give them a great feeling of strength and help them relax. This process can also reduce our children’s complaints about bedtime. Older children are often allowed to stay up until later than younger children, but this does not mean that they should be allowed to stay up late. Boy, with his lunch prepared for the return to school.

Fix the things to do before going to bed

By doing things like choosing your clothes the night before a school day, no morning we will face questions like “Mom, have you seen my green shirt?” Or “Where are my shoes?”. The morning will flow much more smoothly and pleasantly.

Reading before bed

Once the child is in bed, we should lower the lighting in the room to a comfortable level. This is the time to spend some time alone. Depending on your age, read a story, talk for a while about something that happened that day or talk about something he wants. Older children may be allowed to sit and read in silence for a while before the lights go out.

Talk about the next day

We can, also, before going to sleep, talk a little about the next day, about things like what activities they have, if they have an appointment with the doctor or who will go to school to pick them up. It’s about commenting on any topic that can prepare them to make your day easier.

With these simple tips, the routine for going back to school will be much easier to achieve. We can start doing all this, as we said, a few weeks before the day marked for the beginning of the school year. It is also important to keep them throughout the course.