PR for Educators

Helping people for education and information

Month: September 2019

7 Methods on How to Study Better. Which One Do You Choose?

How to study better? How to study better to learn better? Today’s article is inspired by an interesting infographic that I discovered relatively recently and that I found very interesting. Many significant data can be obtained from the content of…

The Benefits of Reading to Infants and Toddlers

Reading is one key to the optimal intellectual development of children. Some parents think it is not worth reading stories to babies before 2 or 3 years. However, some specialists recommend starting children in reading from their sixth month of…

Tips for Teaching Healthy Eating to Preschoolers

Part of the education that fathers, mothers, tutors, and teachers should convey to children is the importance of eating healthy. Depending on how we eat, we are giving more or less care to our body. Teaching healthy eating to preschoolers…

How to Encourage Creativity in a Child

Encourage creativity in a child is essential for their integral development. Creativity is key if we want independent children in their thinking. Children who can assimilate well the situations they live, who know the reason, who are sensitive to the…

How to Make a Good Routine for Study and Back to School

You probably believe that there may be room for improvement in your preparation and organization for the school year. You can always improve, so today we have some tips on how to make a good routine for study.