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children's books
Early Education

Classic children’s books: 10 writers to try

At one time classic children’s books were quite popular among the youth of the time. But now one of the commonplaces of our day is that – at a time when it might wrongly assumed that new generations just read – is not important to the book or the text, provided that the boys read something. For sure it will be so, and there is no doubt that there are many quality writers of our time, yet apart from the school no longer invites young people to read some classic books of the past that have shaped the history of literature.

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Too old-fashioned, a little closer to our problems and interests, it is said. Pity that certain works never grow old because it is universal. That’s why we tried to make a list of 10 writers to try authors of classic children’s books.

  • Mark Twain: Known as one of the great American writers, Twain is famous for its mix of cynicism, social observation and subtle humor. Among his novels he is more suitable for boys undoubtedly find the couple formed by Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
  • Robert Louis Stevenson: If you think the adventure and mystery in their most classic and well you can not help but think the author of a couple of books such as Treasure Island, The Black Arrow, and one of the prototypes of horror modern, or the strange case of Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde.
  • Oscar Wilde: Perhaps best known for his aphorisms and theater plays, Wilde actually was also a profitable and elegant author of short stories and novels for children, where you do not miss his sharp observations. The Happy Prince, The Canterville Ghost, The Crime of Lord Arthur Saville have all the books that should be read and revered.
  • JD Salinger: There is no American teenager a bit ‘mad at the world in one way or another does not redo more or less consciously to the character protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye Salinger, who in the novel and in a small number of stories has defined the rebellious youth.
  • Jules Verne: Read today Verne’s novels can be very difficult, given the pages of scientific descriptions that fill his books, among other things sometimes outdated by technological development. But if you go beyond that it finds an author from truly boundless imagination. Among the many titles we recommend: The Mysterious Island, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth.
  • JRR Tolkien: It ignores too often that underlying Hobbitt and books like The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien’s mythological erudition addition, there was the desire to enliven the evenings of the scholar children. Set aside the religious metaphors it is in fact two books from page to page they always leave you speechless.
  • Jack London: few have loved life in close contact with nature as Jack London. The author of White Fang and The Call of the Wild is in fact the singer of an immediate relationship with primordial forces that can sometimes be hostile to man.
  • Italo Calvino: Synthetic, clean, tidy and mild. They are just some features of Calvin’s style, writer – intellectual who has devoted much time to the popular fiction. Among his best novels adapted to the guys we mention the so-called ancestral trilogy (The Baron in the Trees, The Cloven Viscount and The Nonexistent Knight) and The Path to the Nest of Spiders.
  • Alexandre Dumas: Considered one of the fathers of modern storytelling, thanks to its river books published in serial form in the newspapers (as serial novels), Dumas is a passionate writer for the reader engaged. On the other hand it is difficult to separate from people such as The Three Musketeers, the protagonists of three books, and or Edmond Dantes, aka The Count Montescristo.
  • Charles Dickens: The Adventures of Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and David Copperfield, but also difficult times, and A Christmas Carol. Are some of the most famous novels of Charles Dickens, among the most popular and important writers of English literature, whose books have become material for cinema, theater and music. 

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I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.