PR for Educators

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Early Education

How to learn to count children

Between the ages of 3 and 4, children can already begin to learn the numbers and rules we use to measure quantities: shape and number, order, etc. There are many ways of facilitating learning, but above all, it is necessary to pass on knowledge in a natural and entertaining way.

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Write the numbers on cards face down, and play with the child to take a random card so he guesses what number it is. When he guesses, praise him and show him that he succeeded successfully, to encourage him.learn

At such a young age, it is likely that psychomotor skills are not always developed and that it is difficult for them to write well with a pencil. If you still want to be able to write them, you can ask them to mark their finger on sand, a chalkboard or even the touch screen of a tablet.

Make learning as natural as possible and do not feel like a chore. For example, when you read a story to him, you can ask him how many characters he sees on the illustration.learn

Use everyday situations for the child to make his or her own reasoning and revisit the concepts: when putting the table, ask her to put three spoons indicating three fingers of the hand to help her understand, or by asking for an exact amount in other similar situations.

Play the merchant, with coins and items to buy. You can say that each item is worth 1 piece, and when it learned the base, you can complicate the game and use coins of different values: a coin with a 2 for two products, and so on.learn

The songs are also a good method to teach all kinds of things for small children because they learn while having fun and without realizing it. If you do not know a child song to learn the numbers, you can always ask your parents and grandparents, or even search the Internet. And the envy sings, why not invent a song with your child?

The educational toy, one solution or alternative, can be a good complement to the education we give our children. You can find them at any toy store. Games and dolls designed specifically to teach children how to count. The game must be attractive and not boring.learn

If you want to read more about education, we recommend our category early education.