Once the last year of high school he began to seriously think about how the next three to five years: the University is still the outlet of choice, also because parents insist a lot about the need to get a degree and secure a better future (hard to say, however, if they still have reason or whether it is a proven wrong thought patterns by modern developments).
From the point of view of a student who is coming to maturity with a reluctance to get back bent over books such circumstances it is examined very carefully, and then one of the most important factors in choosing a faculty can be not only the propensity staff and any future aspirations, but also the workload that will be facing.

Of course certain characteristics vary a lot from university to university, but if you want to know how much free time you might have during the week between lessons and the other comes to the rescue to a study made by student about the “living and study of university students”.
- It is no surprise that in the first place there is the Faculty of Medicine: students who aspire to become doctors take home for 52 hours of study per week, divided between lectures, practical activities and at home. Doing a quick calculation is nearly 7.5 hours and a half a day, including weekends. The reputation of drudges is therefore well deserved, and perhaps should make us revise our judgments contemptuous of the general practitioners.
- In second place we find the students of Architecture, which nongranular 50 hours a week. If we were to look at the avant-garde modern buildings we would think the works of crazy, but actually the arch-stars, there are really very few and all others involved in designing the buildings where you live or go to work. With a similar workload you can rest easy. Or not?
- Third step for Engineering, which in fact we would have expected higher. “Only” 47 hours to the week, a little ‘less than 7 per day. There are lots of areas in which engineers work and intense study sessions have become the stuff of legend among college of this Faculty, which sometimes they have with strange masochistic spirit.
But if we do not just the prospect of a full-time job? Basically we are talking about almost the canonical eight hours of work per day.
- As cliché as the bottom of the rankings student check the Faculty of Physical Education, only engaged for 38 hours per week, a total of six hours less than the global average of 44.
- And apparently even the economists and statisticians have a hard time seeing that all the income-statistics area is located just above, at 38 and a half hours. Perhaps to follow the trail of the many professors of economics that dominate the front pages of newspapers is gained not only in prestige and pay, but also in free time during his university years …
More on: http://quiotl.com/