PR for Educators

Helping people for education and information


Design Process: Key Factors

There are certain fundamental principles to follow when designing a product. This is true whether it’s a new website or a toy. Design is approached differently by different people depending on their strengths, but as long the general principles are covered a great design will be born no matter what the speciality. Consider these things when you are designing something.


Do not overthink things or complicate them. You only need to make a simple link between design and functionality. Focus on a user-friendly, inviting design. Find out more about Web Designers Dublin, go to

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The User’s Experience

Website design is all about making it simple for customers. You don’t want a customer who is reading your blog to have to search around in order to subscribe to your newsletter, or they might change their minds. It is important to make sure that your contact information is clearly visible, and also provide opportunities for customers to share and engage with you on social media.


It is usually the first thing people notice when they see a new website or product. Keep up with the latest trends and what your competitors do, but don’t forget your brand identity. If you go too far and lose your brand identity, you could alienate your current clientele. While ‘form’ may be important, don’t let it overshadow function.

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You want to design something that is unique, so you can corner a market in which you will become an expert. Websites are no different. Content should be original, relevant and high-quality. To be successful, any product must be engaging, easy to use, and inspire further connections with the brand.


I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.