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Questions about Books

With the release of my first book, Eliott became interested in “other” books: not content with having a finished object in his hands, he discovered that there was always an author behind the object, As well as several other people.

He is extremely proud to say that he is on the cover of his mother’s book, and he, who is usually reserved, comes forward without me to the booksellers and librarians whom I went to see the book: I’m on the cover of the book And with my little sister, we are in pictures in.

He made a very animated and enthusiastic presentation of the book in front of his whole class, the mistress really had fun to see him as extroverted for the blow.

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I had questions, in bulkBook

“But are dads and moms writing the books?” (Yes, authors of all ages, all profiles … can be the author who wants, it is a full-time job but not most often -in fine me I like !!)

“They live where those who write books? ” (In all countries, and some books are translated by a person whose job it is)

He talks about the professional photographer, the one who chose and brought the material into a photo (the stylist).

Thierry the photographer, Julie the stylish and Amelie the trainee editorBook

And Valentine, the model

And beyond a connection “book-object” to “book project, created by a person in flesh and bone”, he made the connection with what his dad or his mom “are doing in truth”: voila A finished product, a fruit of a (long!) Work, and available to all. What’s more, visible in the bookstores where we spend so much time?

Suddenly, the book is “incarnated”, and I find it really amusing that he discovers it

He knew however that there were illustrators AND authors: especially with my friend Cecile, who illustrated so many books and magazines for children, and we dedicated a lot (finally to Eliott and Hanae especially!), And that we had gone to see the Salon of the Book of Montreuil, for a dedication in life.

“Podlapin”, for all children who love big words, and parents who do not like it!!

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Latest questionsBook

Your next book, Mom, he’ll have photos too, we can be in?He regrets a little to have made the trombonist for “Creative passes” during the photo sessions – it was planned for the window painting for example, but we had to change model. Besides, it can be seen at Its air on the picture of the bones of dinosaurs in hardening paste.