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Top Statistics to Know About the UK’s Mental Health

To fully understand mental health and how to improve it, first you need to have accurate data. Statistics about demographics, costs and frequency can help direct policy and investment as well as creating a more informed and accepting society.

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Most Commonly Diagnosed Conditions

About a quarter of adults in England report experiencing some form of mental health problem every year. Some conditions are more common than others, with depression and anxiety occurring particularly frequently. The diagnostic criteria for mixed depression and anxiety is met by 7.8% of people.

People Seeking Help

Not all people with a mental illness seek help, but the percentage is growing. In 2000, around a quarter of people in the 16-74 age bracket who had a common mental health problem received some form of treatment. That figure is currently 36.2%. Of just over 12% of the entire adult population who do receive treatment, 10.4% are prescribed medication and 3% will undergo psychological therapy, with 1.3% receiving both.

Cost of Mental Health Conditions

It is difficult to estimate the full cost of mental health problems. Different studies have put the impact on the economy at anywhere from £70 billion across the UK to £105 billion in England alone. In 2015, mental health issues became the third most common reason for sickness-related absence from work.

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Investment in Mental Health

The percentage of the UK health research budget spent on mental health in 2018 was 6.1%, despite more than 20% of illness being mental health related. In 2021, a new mental health research initiative worth £30 million was announced by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) along with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). A 2023 investment in research from NIHR and the Office of Life Sciences is set to reach £42.7 million. More people are also seeking mental health training courses Plymouth, such as .

These are just some of the many statistics surrounding mental health, its diagnosis and treatment, that may help you develop a more well-rounded understanding of the issues.