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How to Stop Cyberbullying
Education Tips

How to Stop Cyberbullying? 5 Keys that Work

Cyberbullying is a concept that is booming lately and that probably today, a few people may find it strange. However, although it is a familiar concept, cases of cyberbullying continue to increase day after day. In this article, you will discover five keys on how to stop cyberbullying and put an end to such situations.

How to Stop Cyberbullying?

Stopping Cyberbullying is not very hard process. Below I present 5 keys that work 100 percent. Let’s see:

How to Stop Cyberbullying

1. Detect the signals

Children and adolescents who suffer cyberbullying often share the same characteristics as any other child or teenager who suffers from bullying in the school environment. The National Crime Prevention Council of the United States points out a series of signs that alarm us that a child or adolescent could be suffering from cyberbullying.

2. Maintain online privacy

On some occasions, cyberbullying is suffered in online applications or games in which the aggressor and harassed is not known and do not share any link other than the online platform. Most social networks and applications, in general, offer the possibility of blocking the person and reporting them on the same platform. Keys to stop cyberbullying.

In cases where the harassment goes beyond digital, it is very likely that the blockade is not enough. But, without a doubt, the amount of daily harassment the child or adolescent receives will be greatly reduced and will no longer consist of 24/7 harassment.

3. The harassed should not respond to aggression

The environment of the child or adolescent who is suffering from cyberbullying is the one that must react and take action against the stalker, not the victim himself. Usually, the aggressors who are looking for is precisely to provoke a reaction or response from the one who suffers them. In this way, the aggressor ‘grows up’ and assumes he has the power.

Once the child or adolescent has asked for help, parents, teachers, and even their peer group should work together to stop cyberbullying. As adults, we must teach the younger ones that reprisals place you at the same level as the aggressor, and it is not the solution.

4. Do not delete possible tests

Saving and keeping the messages, publications, and images sent by the aggressor safely can be of great help to put an end to these types of situations or if the situation of harassment crosses the legal lines. Keys to stop cyberbullying.

Luckily, in cases of cyberbullying, keeping all this material is simply because it is automatically registered and can be displayed, unlike other types of situations where harassment is harder to prove.

5. Ask for help as the best way to stop cyberbullying

The child or adolescent is able to tell about the situation of harassment he is suffering is the best way to end cyberbullying. It is obvious, but cases of cyberbullying often go unnoticed because it is quite complicated to detect these types of situations.

If the child or adolescent does not ask for help in their family or in the educational center, it is likely that their environment does not get to know the situation until the harassment has aggravated considerably. In short, once the child or adolescent asks for help at home, it is best to gather information and ask the school for help.