PR for Educators

Helping people for education and information

Year: 2019

Six ways to conquer stage fright

Many people think speaking in public is more terrifying than death. However, there are ways to get over these fears and make expressing yourself on stage fun rather than torture. Image Credit Do your homework Being prepared is essential. If…

3 Important Values of Preschool

At four, you may think that your little one is too tiny to start school. After all, aren’t they still learning to communicate? Don’t you just want to keep them close by? It’s tempting to think that four is a…

Suggestions To Reduce Preschool Anxiety

You have managed to get your little one through brushing those tiny teeth and the morning moves. You have also gone through getting dressed, finding matching shoes and eating breakfast. And, the next milestone is saying good-bye to your child…

How to Cite a Case Study in APA

When carrying out educational works in writing, it is necessary to have external sources such as books, theses, among others. However, it is essential to make use of certain rules when citing these external sources to avoid plagiarism and respect…

How to Arrange Classroom Space? Five Tips to Optimize Classroom Spaces

A classroom that promotes self-learning is one that takes advantage of all available spaces. Below are five tips to optimize the spaces in the classroom. Let’s discover how to arrange classroom space.

13 tips for the SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test)

Studying a career depends not only on passing the college entrance exam but also on having the attitude and skills necessary for you to be a student of the right academic level. Being a professional is one of the greatest…

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence? 5 Skills That Must Need

Emotional Intelligence. What a challenge! Today’s article has no other aim than to introduce you with five effective techniques that will make it easier for you to increase your Emotional Intelligence. These five techniques on how to improve emotional intelligence….

7 Methods on How to Study Better. Which One Do You Choose?

How to study better? How to study better to learn better? Today’s article is inspired by an interesting infographic that I discovered relatively recently and that I found very interesting. Many significant data can be obtained from the content of…

The Benefits of Reading to Infants and Toddlers

Reading is one key to the optimal intellectual development of children. Some parents think it is not worth reading stories to babies before 2 or 3 years. However, some specialists recommend starting children in reading from their sixth month of…

Tips for Teaching Healthy Eating to Preschoolers

Part of the education that fathers, mothers, tutors, and teachers should convey to children is the importance of eating healthy. Depending on how we eat, we are giving more or less care to our body. Teaching healthy eating to preschoolers…