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study tips

How to Cite a Case Study in APA

When carrying out educational works in writing, it is necessary to have external sources such as books, theses, among others. However, it is essential to make use of certain rules when citing these external sources to avoid plagiarism and respect…

7 Methods on How to Study Better. Which One Do You Choose?

How to study better? How to study better to learn better? Today’s article is inspired by an interesting infographic that I discovered relatively recently and that I found very interesting. Many significant data can be obtained from the content of…

How to learn to study? At primary and University level

Many times, the real problem that studying does not bear fruit has its origin in poor planning of the study. There are many study techniques and strategies to study, but there are a number of guidelines that should always be…

How to study effectively? Vital techniques to learn more

The school and university stages are characterized by causing many nerves, stress, and anxiety among students. Many ask themselves: how can I face the study to optimize my academic performance? How to study effectively? Stay with us.

How do top students study?

To optimize long hours of study, there are no magic formulas. Observe the best students common characteristics. For us, the need to find an adequate method of study is essential. Let’s discover how do top students study. We use several keyboards…