PR for Educators

Helping people for education and information

High school


Unfair, harmful, ineffective punishments which they do not suit

Knowing how to punish a child is not easy. There are certain types of punishments that we should never give. But they also send the circumstances, the child’s attitude, his emotional state. The psychologists give us guidelines to know when…

The fourth year of high school in the USA and then?

If you still a minority, but someone does that: YOU mean Italian high school students who choose to spend the fourth year of study abroad.

High school guidance: What to do if you mess?

The choice of school is a very important step for a student: for this reason it is necessary to do a good eighth grade orientation, so that all the boys know the different high schools, technical institutes and professional institutes and choose according to…

How to dress for the first day of high school: 5 Mistakes to avoid

In September you will start high school and you’re thinking about how to deal with the first day of school? Look in the closet looking for the right clothes to wear, but you still have not understood what to wear? The outfit you choose…