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Protect your Rural Home From Burglars this Winter

If you live in the countryside there are lots of things that you probably love about it – the fact that you have easy access to beautiful walks, the peace and quiet and of course being surrounded by nature are just a few of the reasons why people like to live in a rural location. However, with the long dark nights looming, the lack of street lighting can also make your home more vulnerable to burglars – so here are some of the things that you can do to help protect your rural home this winter…

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CCTV – Having cameras around your property is one of the best things that you can do to help keep your home safe from burglaries. If someone is looking for a property to steal from, the sight of security cameras is often enough to deter them. In combination with security lighting and alarms, this is a really effective way of keeping your property safe and secure.

The best thing to do is to go to a company that can install cameras and alarm systems for you, and they will be able to advise you on the best places to put them to keep the property safe and to ensure that there isn’t an area that will be able to be accessed without being detected.

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The Entrance – The entrance to your property also needs to be protected – doors and windows are essential for security so make sure that they are all able to be locked. If you have a driveway, restrict the access to it by installing electronic gates. Getting a professional like the Electric Gate Company Gloucester to install secure electric gates allows you to monitor who is coming in and out of your property.

Property Boundaries – The boundary of your property should be well protected. One of the best ways to do this is to grow spiky plants around the perimeter. Hedges including spiky plants like hawthorn and blackthorn are great for nature as well as stopping intruders and if you have a fence or a wall, grow spiky rose bushes alongside it as this will deter people from trying to climb over it and get into your garden that way.