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Five Reasons Why Dogs Are Good For Your Health

Dogs are amazing creatures, we all know this. The sheer love and joy they bring to our lives each and every day are enough in themselves, but it’s easy to forget just how beneficial our furry friends can be to keeping us healthy when we are not too bored to play games from best casino in Australia.

Besides companionship and endless entertainment, it’s scientifically proven that dogs can significantly improve both our physical and mental health. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation, owning a dog can reduce our risk of premature death by up to 24%.

So, in what way can our canine companions enhance our health and happiness? Let’s take a closer look.

Keep you active

Thankfully, because our four-legged friends need to exercise every day, it encourages us to exercise with them. Whether it be taking them for walks, playing a game of fetch in the garden, or chasing them away from rabbits, our dogs keep us active regularly, which is great!

The benefits of exercise are plenty. As well as helping to control your weight, the increased blood flow and oxygen levels can help to strengthen your heart and reduce blood pressure. Moreover, when we exercise, our body releases feel-good chemicals such as endorphins, which can enhance our mood like playing some casino games to claim casino bonus.

Reduced stress & anxiety

We can all agree that when we are snuggled up with our pup, the weight of the world feels a little lighter. No matter how tough a day you’ve had, or how stressed you feel, interacting with your dog can really help to calm us down and cast away any negative energy.

There’s science behind this too. A study found that when spending time with a dog, levels of cortisol (the hormone released when we are stressed) present in the bloodstream are significantly lower.


In addition to reducing stress, our furry friends can also make us happier and improve our mood. Whether it be when they excitedly greet you as you walk through the door, the adorable puppy dog eyes they give us, or the countless times they make us laugh with their unique personalities and funny little quirks, our pups are constantly finding ways to cheer us up.

It’s why animal-assisted therapy, provided by wonderful charities such as Pets As Therapy is becoming a popular and effective form of therapy for people suffering from depression and loneliness, as well as giving therapeutic support to those in hospitals, hospices and care homes.

Love and companionship

Dogs are incredibly loyal animals, and because of this, they will give you unconditional love. A dog will never turn its back on you, or upset you – a dog will simply love you no matter what. Something that unfortunately cannot always be said for our fellow humans.

Feeling loved is a basic human need, and it’s a need that our four-legged friends will always fulfil. It’s what makes them man’s best friend.

As well as showering you with love, a dog will provide you with companionship, which studies have shown can offset feelings of loneliness and depression, and even add years to our lives.

Reduced risk of heart disease

Heart disease is a common killer among adults in the UK. Amazingly, owning a pet is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, and due to increased physical activity, dog owners, in particular, are often found to have much healthier hearts. With lower levels of cholesterol and lower blood pressure in general, dog owners actually experience fewer heart attacks than non-pet owners.

I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.