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private school

How to create a private school?

Creating a private school can prove to be an excellent career choice. However, many steps are needed, from the development of a program of studies to the formalities to obtain the status of the nonprofit organization, find the essential steps necessary to create a private school.

private schoolEstablish an educational philosophy

In order to carry out the project, you must develop a sound educational philosophy. To help you, some questions can help you: What kind of education do you want to bring? For who? What will your school offer have compared to others? What academic and social knowledge do you want to bring to your students?

Developing a curriculum

You must develop a curriculum that will allow you to address the organizational aspect as well as the course of learning in the future institution. He or she must understand most of the day-to-day activities, as well as the different methods of assessing knowledge.

private schoolWrite the declaration of educational project

it is a question of presenting the pedagogy of the teachers in your school. Specifically, you should describe how teachers are assessed students’ learning in school, not to mention the different means available to teachers in the classroom.

The educational project statement must be written in such a way as to attract young teachers who will participate in creating a good reputation.

you can read also another article on prforeducators: How can students health care to be improved?

Have the school approve the program by the competent authority?

This will allow your school to be certified by the official services. Thus your establishment becomes eligible for public subsidies.

To do this, contact the Ministry of National Education to schedule an audit and take all the necessary information to prepare you for the evaluation.

private schoolAdopt the status of private school

initially, you must define a business plan. It must include the objectives of the school, as well as the various financial means to be implemented. The business plan will allow you to raise funds. Then it is essential to form a company before starting your private school.

As a second step, you must create a board of directors to make all the decisions relating to the proper functioning of the school.

The board of directors must file the articles of association of the company with the competent services belonging to the geographical location of your school. In addition, it must also take steps to register the school as a non-profit educational organization.

Once these steps have been taken, the school is finally eligible to receive grants or donations.

Finally, you must obtain the Employer Identification Number, NIE. In particular, it is the social security number of your company, which will enable you to obtain the status of educational non-profit organization benefiting from the tax exemption.

private schoolOpening the school

you must first obtain funding, collect tuition fees, or apply for grants or public funding.

Now is the time to think about the infrastructure of your institution. Choose a place that is large enough to accommodate your students, where you can also consider building and relocating.

You must recruit a competent administrative staff, with a director who shares your educational philosophy.

To ensure the best teaching for your students, you need to recruit brilliant, first-class teachers. They will determine the quality of education which will make your school successful.

In order to fill your school, it is essential to advertise, creating a promotional program and public relations. Organize open days, for example, to introduce your school to prospective students and their parents.