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How to teach a child to write English alphabets
Education Tips

How to teach a child to write English alphabets

A good teacher of English as a second language offers a comprehensive learning experience for students. It includes reading and writing as well as speaking and listening. Children who learn in countries where the English alphabet is not used to face an additional challenge. Students do not know English letters. Learning to write the English alphabet requires a lot of repetition. Besides writing, teach him/her pronouncing. With this article about How to teach a child to write English alphabets, students will be able to write in English.

How to teach a child to write English alphabets

How to teach a child to write English alphabets

Use educational cards to enter the letters of the alphabet. Students do not learn to write the alphabet without some context to help them understand the meaning. Show them the letters and make the sound, including some words that begin with that letter. For example, you could say: “D … d … dog, Doll Door” (Dog, Wrist, Door).

Hand out the writing worksheets to the students. These should include three lines for proper letter spacing, a demonstration of how to write the letter, a few dotted letters of practice for students to review, and ample space to practice their writing. If possible, choose a worksheet that also includes a photograph of a word that begins with that letter.

Demonstrate how to write a letter on the board. It can help to say what you are doing as you write. For example, when you write an “A,” you could say: “Down, Down, Across” (Down, Down, Through).

Follow these tips:

  • Let the students practice with their letters.
  • Walk around the classroom while the students are writing. It offers help to any student who seems to have difficulties.
  • Repeat this with new letters from each class.
  • Practice writing without guides when students begin to master the lyrics.

Teach the alphabet in a funny way

teach alphabet

Learning alphabets is the first step. It is necessary for learning to read and write. In this way, children can also communicate better with those around them, either to convey their ideas or to understand what others think. Also, to the same extent that they begin to relate the sounds to the spelling of each vowel or consonant.

However, many parents do not know that learning the alphabet also has a positive impact on children’s brain development. The simple fact of learning to articulate the sounds of letters stimulates the connection between neurons in different areas of the brain such as Wernicke’s area and Broca’s area, both involved in the development of language. Likewise, it favors the mental representation of abstract concepts, while consolidating logical thinking.

5 simple and effective strategies to teach the alphabet to a child

Therefore, the alphabet is one of the first lessons that children learn in school, although it is not necessary to wait until that moment to teach the first notions.

1. Give it some magnetic or plastic letters

plastic letters

There are many games with letters, but magnetic or plastic letters often attract much attention of the children, which is because they can manipulate with their hands, form words, build short sentences or make their alphabet with complete freedom. You can bet on the games of loose plastic letters or magnetic boards with letters, which are easier to handle.

2. Teach him/her alphabet songs

The songs are a very easy and fun alternative to learn the letters of the alphabet. By repeating the song several times, the little ones fix the melody in their mind, making it easier for them to memorize the lyrics. Also, it is a strategy that you can put into practice at any time, either when you go to school, before going to sleep or while preparing dinner. On the Internet, you can find some catchy songs about the alphabet, such as “The Alphabet,” “The march of letters” and “Help me a pencil.”

3. Give him a puzzle of the alphabet

Most children love puzzles. It is an activity that stimulates fine motor coordination while developing logical thinking and strategic planning. Therefore, a good idea for them to learn the alphabet is to give them a puzzle of letters so that they become familiar with them. You can also choose a puzzle that in addition to the letters includes the figure of an animal or thing whose name starts with that alphabet.

4. Read together daily

Through reading, children begin to know the world around them. However, this is not their only benefit; it is also an excellent option to teach them the alphabet and to become familiar with letters and words. In this case, picture books are very useful because children can understand history through images. In the same way, that they can find out meaning to each word they hear according to what they see reflected in the illustrations.

5. Place an alphabet in your room

An excellent strategy to familiarize a child with the letters of the alphabet is to place an alphabet in his room or playroom. Ideally, it is a large alphabet with intense colors to attract attention, so it is also easier to differentiate the letters. You can find alphabet for children in any toy store or you can also make it at home using cardboard. In Stage Children, we present some images of the alphabet to print that can be useful.