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How to Maintain the Copper Pipes in Your Home

Maintaining the copper pipes in your home can be a complicated task. As a reactive metal, copper reacts poorly with oxygen. Copper oxide forms, resulting in a brown or black appearance. Fortunately, there are methods to reverse this process. To maintain your copper pipes, you should avoid letting the corrosion process start too early. Listed below are a few tips to keep your pipes clean and in good condition.

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The first thing you should do is to check for leaks. If your pipes are old, they are likely to corrode. This corrosion is more pronounced in copper that is less pure. Besides, high levels of sulphur can cause dark green-coloured stains on copper. To check for these stains, turn off the water immediately and call a plumber for inspection. Even if you see no visible signs of a leak, a small leak can turn into a major plumbing emergency.

Keeping your copper pipes clean is vital. Copper can be corroded by water with high pH levels and acidic conditions, so be sure to keep your pipes well-lubricated and free from rust. Fortunately, copper piping can last 25 years or longer if properly maintained. If you have any questions, consult with a plumber or HVAC professional. Copper pipes can be a great investment for your home. For a range of Copper Pipe fittings, visit

It is important to know the age of your copper pipes. Copper pipes can last for fifty to 70 years, but this can vary depending on local factors such as water pressure and acidity. High sulphur levels will cause copper to darken. Copper plumbing is a great investment, so make sure to take care of it.

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You can also try soaking copper piping in vinegar. White vinegar contains five percent acetic acid, which helps remove hard water deposits and oxidation. Let the copper pipes soak in the solution for 15 minutes before you scrub them thoroughly with a rag. Once they are completely clean, they should be set upright in a dry place to let the liquid drain out. For better results, use an emery cloth.

Another common problem with copper pipes is that they can freeze. This problem can disrupt your daily life and can become expensive if not handled quickly. If cold weather is on the way, water will freeze in your pipes. Clear any pipes before the cold weather hits. Pipes feeding a swimming pool, sprinklers, and hoses should be drained before the winter season arrives. If the pipes are filled with water, they may freeze as well.


I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.