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Education Tips

Top ten tips on homework

Children do more in school when their parents are actively interested in their homework and homework, so they show their children that what they do is important.

Of course, helping your child with homework and homework should not mean having to spend long hours bent over your desk. Parents can support their children by demonstrating their organizational and study skills, explaining a complicated problem, or encouraging them to take a break when they spend time working on schoolwork. And who knows? Parents may learn something else in the process!


Here are some tips to guide you along this path:

  1. Meet your child ‘s teachers and what their objectives.Attend school meetings, such as parents and teachers, to better understand your child ‘s teachers. Ask them about what they expect from homework and how you should get involved.
  2. Set a suitable area for homework. Make sure the child has a well – lit place to do homework and you have on hand the necessary school supplies (paper, pencils, glue, scissors …).
  3. Set a regular time to study and do homework. Some children work better in the afternoon, after tea and a period of play, while others prefer to wait until after dinner.
  4. Help him to design a work plan. On days when you have a significant amount of duties or when you need to start an extraordinarily difficult or burdensome homework, encourage your child to break it down into more manageable parts. If necessary, help you develop a work schedule for that day or period and, if possible, ask that you take a 15-minute break after each hour of work.
  5. Minimize distractions. This includes television, loud music and phone calls. (Anyway, sometimes a phone call to a classmate on a particular homework assignment can be a great help.)
  6. Make sure your child does his work. Do not learn anything if you do not think for themselves and make their mistakes. Parents can make suggestions and give directions to guide their children. But learning must be in the hands of children.
  7. Motive and supervise your child. Ask your child about homework, controls and examinations. Support him, check that he has completed homework and conveyed the message that he can come to you when he has questions or concerns.
  8. Set a good example. Would you see your son well organized time or reading books? Children are more likely to follow their parents’ example than their advice.
  9. Praise their work and effort. Hang the refrigerator an exam or artistic work where he got top marks. Discuss your academic achievements with your relatives.
  10. If your child consistently has problems with homework, get help. Talk about it with your teacher. Some kids have trouble seeing the board well and need to wear glasses; Others may need to be evaluated for learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder. More education reviews on
I am an entrepreneur, father, mentor, and adventurer passionate about life. At this moment, I am working on education and learning.